Innovators in Rural Community Economic Development

Walton Family Foundation

Yellow Wood brings a special combination of content and process expertise to our work.

We invite you to explore our work.  Recent projects and presentations are listed below.  You can explore additional work using the various tags in the right hand column.

Walton Family Foundation, Private Coaching, Meeting Facilitation and Value Chain Coordination for Nature-Based Tourism Grantees in the Lower Mississippi River Region

Yellow Wood Associates is working with place-based grantees of the Walton Family Foundation in the Lower Mississippi River Region.  This work is focused around nature-based tourism.  Coaching work includes calls with grantees and group calls to support…

Walton Family Foundation, Verde River Valley Nature Organization Value Chain Facilitation

Yellow Wood Associates worked with the Verde River Valley Nature Organization (VRVNO), a Walton Family Foundation grantee.  Yellow Wood provided VRVNO with coaching and analysis to review their birding value chain, identify metrics/measurement that…

Walton Family Foundation, Meeting Facilitation and Integration of Demand Research for Nature-Based Tourism Grantees

Beginning in fall 2011, Yellow Wood Associates has worked with four Walton Family Foundation grantees along the Lower Mississippi River around nature based tourism. Focus areas for this group have included paddling tourism, non-consumptive wildlife…

Walton Family Foundation, Coaching and Demand-Side Research Services to Nature-Based Tourism Grantees in the Lower Mississippi Delta.

Yellow Wood provided coaching in wealth creation value chain development and conducting demand-related research for four nature-based tourism pilot projects in the Lower Mississippi Delta. We also provided coaching services for a team working with…

Walton Family Foundation, Wealth Creation and Measurement Workshops for Grantees in the Verde Valley, Arizona.

Yellow Wood worked with twelve Walton Family Foundation grantees in the Verde Valley area of Arizona. The intent of this work was to introduce the wealth creation approach as a way to strengthen the individual projects and begin thinking about the…

Walton Family Foundation, Nature Based Tourism Workshops

Yellow Wood presented two workshops to the Walton Family Foundation Nature-Based Tourism Group of grantees along the lower Mississippi River Delta. The first workshop was around goals, value chains and wealth creation. Participants articulated goals…